2014 China-Germany symposium: “The role of glial cells in physiology and pathology” in Shenzhen
by 管理员 | 2015-07-06

From Oct. 21st to 24th, 2014, the China-Germany Symposuim in the role ofglial cell in physiology and pathology sponsored by Sino-German Center(SGC) was held in Shenzhen, China. This highly successful symposium wasorganized by Professor Liping Wang of BCBDI. Prof. Helmut Kettenmann of MaxDelbrück Centrum for Molecular Medicine, Academician of the GermanyAcademy of Science, and Professor Shumin Duan of Zhejiang University,Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences were the co-organizers of thissymposium. The plenary lectures were given by the Professor Cornelius Gross,Vice deputy and Senior Scientists of the European MolecularBiology Laboraory in Italy Mengteluodun multi branch office, and ProfessorTianming Gao of Southern Medical University. More than 20 other experts fromGermany and China gave talks during this symposium, covering topicsincluding neuron-astrocyte communications, functions of microglial cells,NG2 cell biology, oligodendrocyte differentiation, the biology of neuralprecursor cells, and the role of glial cells in brain diseases.Researchers and students from more than 40 universities and institutionsincluding the City University of Hong Kong, Poston University School ofMedicine, Zhejiang University and Southeast University attended this symposium.