Shenzhen Brain Science Infrastructure

深圳市脑解析与脑模拟重大科技基础设施(脑设施)于 2020 年获深圳市发展和改革委员会批复,由中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院牵头建设,为光明科学城启动区的重点建设项目。脑设施总建筑面积5万余平方米,包含脑编辑、脑解析和脑模拟三大技术模块,具备跨物种动物模型的制备以及跨尺度神经结构功能解析的能力。


Introduction to Brain Science Infrastructure

The Shenzhen Brain Science Infrastructure (BSI) was funded by the Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission in 2020. The Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences leads it. It is a key project in the starting area of the Guangming Science City. The BSI covers over 50,000 square meters of construction, including three major technological modules: brain editing, analysis, and simulation. It is equipped to prepare cross-species animal models and analyze neural structures and functions across multiple scales.

Relying on the Brain Cognition and Brain Diseases Research Institute (Brain Institute) at the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Institute of Brain Science Innovation (Shenzhen-Hong Kong Brain Institute), the BSI has established three major scientific divisions (Division of Non-human Primate Research, Division of Rodent Research and Division of Neuroscience Research) and nine technological platforms. It is dedicated to supporting the development of the Shenzhen Comprehensive National Science Center and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area International Science and Technology Innovation Center. The facility will provide comprehensive technological support for basic and preclinical research in brain science and brain-like intelligence and contribute to the development of the industry ecosystem while ensuring the efficient sharing of information and resources.








Division of Non-Human Primate Research

The main function of this division is to house and breed laboratory monkeys and to conduct brain science-related research.With an area of 20,000 square meters, it is planned to keep up to 2,000 marmosets, cynomolgus monkeys and rhesus monkeys.It includes 10 operating rooms, 60 laboratories for large animal behavior, and platforms for testing, gene editing, and phenotyping, capable of preparing a variety of major brain-related disease models such as autism and Alzheimer's disease.


主要功能为饲养、繁殖实验鼠,以及开展脑科学相关的研究。面积15000平方米,屏障外自动化率实现90%以上,SPF大小鼠笼位数将近3万笼,无菌小鼠隔离器70 台,可饲养无菌小鼠约 1000 笼。具备啮齿类动物微生物检测能力,提供跨物种基因编辑、行为学分析及神经记录等先进技术服务。

Division of Rodent Research

The Division of Rodent Research is mainly responsible for breeding and raising laboratory mice and rats, and conducting research related to brain science.

With an area of 15,000 square meters and an automation rate of over 90% outside the barrier, the capacity for SPF mice and rats is nearly 30,000 cages, and there are 70 sterile mouse isolators with a capacity of about 1,000 cages. The division is also equipped with technologies related to laboratory animals, such as rodent micro-organism testing, cross-species gene editing, behavioral analysis and electrophysiological analysis technology.




Division of Neuroscience Research

The Division of Neuroscience Research is equipped with major equipment and technologies for cross-species and full-scale neuroscience research.

The main function is to establish a full-scale, dynamic and static observation platform to analyze the structure and function of the whole-body connectivity mapping from experimental animals to human beings, so as to realize the precise analysis of normal and diseased brain and whole-body structure and function.

The platforms to be built include: neuroimaging platform, optical imaging platform, electron microscopy platform, biochemical platform, mass spectrometry platform, electrophysiology platform, neuromodulation platform, behavioral analysis platform and brain-like device platform.


建成立足深圳、服务全国、辐射全球的脑科学研究大型科技基础设施,为实现建制化科研和承接国家重大科研计划提供技术支撑和平台保障。以脑设施和深港脑院为创新源动力,带动光明科学城脑科学与类脑智能未来产业的生态建设,探索科技成果转化的新机制新路径,实现融合“从0到1”的先导性探索、“从1到N”的连续性创新、“从 N 到N+1”的应用突破。

Construction aim

The goal is to establish a large-scale scientific and technological infrastructure for brain science research based in Shenzhen, serving the entire nation and radiating globally. This infrastructure will provide technological support and platform guarantees for institutionalized scientific research and the implementation of major national scientific research programs.

By leveraging the Brain Facility and the Hong Kong Brain Institute as sources of innovation, the project aims to drive the ecological development of the brain science and brain-like intelligence industry in Guangming Science City. It will explore new mechanisms and pathways for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, aiming to integrate pioneering exploration ("0 to 1"), continuous innovation ("1 to N"), and application breakthroughs ("N to N+1").



Our Mission

Our mission is to accelerate the iterative cycle of research and development in therapeutic drugs for brain diseases, new diagnostic and intervention methods, and to promote the leapfrog development of brain technology. By driving the growth of the "brain industry" through the synergy of "facilities + talent + technology," we aim to achieve original innovation and facilitate the sharing of resources.



Open Sharing

BSI is open to domestic and international researchers, offering comprehensive technical support and efficient sharing of information and resources through a reservation-based and customized service model. BSI supports basic research in brain science and brain-like intelligence, source innovation in healthcare and cognitive education, the building of industrial ecosystems, and services for improving people's livelihoods. BSI will also be open to the public, becoming a key teaching and practice center and a platform for popularizing science in national life science research.